Thursday, July 31, 2008


Apologies for the lack of updates, we've several playlists to, erm, list, and news to provide... but not right now. Just to note that the final programme of Dead and Alive will be broadcast on August 15th, 9pm, so put that in your diaries. Also - this Friday will slightly depart from our usual show, with a country & western special (Tammy Wynette pictured). Stay tuned...

Friday, July 11, 2008


Many thanks for those who stuck out our final mash-up featuring Max Benezeth. We had fun, and hope you enjoyed it. Here's what was played:

1. Rytis Mazulis: Talima Cumi
2. HIV+: hertz hell, abstract and harsh ironworks
3. Frost Jockey: Come the mighty Burgundy tracks vol 1
4. Takemitsu: Le Son CalligraphiƩ
5. Pierre Bastien (pictured): Tender red net
6. Schubert: Impromptu 4
7. Xenakis: Kyania
8. Frost Jockey: Theme From Frost Jockey
9. Schoenberg / Ehlers / Rabelais: Verklate Nacht, Dead and Alive edit
10. Squarepusher: Do you know Squarepusher?
11. Juantrip: Movies
12. Psychic Space: Invasion

Thanks Max for coming in, and for the listing. Lord knows I'll miss you.

Thanks too for all those who made it to the Macbeth on the 2nd, and to the Raven Quartet, Gabriel Prokofiev and Andrew McDonnell , for a good night.

More soon...